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2023-06-27 08:41:42 来源:豪宅壹号


豪宅壹号极简公寓 | Hot Walls这套顶层公寓由设计师Hot Walls亲自设计,一整个大气而有格调的居住空间。从室内设计到空间陈设都做了个性化的定制设计,赋予空间极简且定制感的精致,很好的诠释了空间的主题。 This penthouse apartment was personally designed by designer Hot Walls. It is an atmospheric and stylish living space. From the interior design to the space furnishings, we have made personalized custom designs, giving the space a minimalist and customized sense of exquisiteness, which well interprets the theme of the space. 客厅方面,设计师选用了偏灰的暖色调与金属元素,打造出低调奢华的空间感。米灰色的布艺沙发与黑白拼接的大理石茶几之间,不同材质的巧妙碰撞,提升了空间的整体格调。 In the living room, the designer chose warm gray tones and metal elements to create a low-key and luxurious sense of space. The ingenious collision of different materials between the beige fabric sofa and the black and white marble coffee table enhances the overall style of the space. 电视柜选取了原木材质,为空间中增添了一份自然气息。大面积的落地窗给空间提供充足的光线,为屋主打造出明亮的视觉感受。沙发旁的边桌丰富空间的可利用性,上方的金属摆件也增添了质感。 The TV cabinet is made of raw wood, which adds a natural atmosphere to the space. Large area floor-to-ceiling windows provide plenty of light to the space and create a bright visual experience for the homeowner. The side table beside the sofa enriches the usability of the space, and the metal ornaments above also add texture. 厨房与餐厅开放式设计共享一个空间,这种设计保证了空间的通透性。中岛台选用石材作为主要材质,自然气息的石材增添了空间的细节,赋予空间原生态的气息。上方的黄铜吊灯造型简洁,且具有时尚美感。 The open design of the kitchen and the dining room share the same space. This design ensures the transparency of the space. Zhongdao Terrace uses stone as the main material, and the natural stone adds the details of the space and gives the space an original ecological atmosphere. The brass chandelier above is simple in shape and stylish. 厨房的布局十分具有巧妙,厨房电器也隐蔽于橱柜之中,充分展现了空间美学。操作台上方的料理架保证了厨房的储物空间。 The layout of the kitchen is very ingenious, and the kitchen appliances are also hidden in the cabinets, which fully demonstrates the aesthetics of the space. The cooking rack above the operating table ensures storage space in the kitchen. 餐桌位于中岛台旁,拼接式的设计在空间上得以延伸,原木与大理石的拼接十分巧妙,通过不同材质的融合营造别样的空间美学。 The dining table is located next to the island platform, and the spliced design is extended in space. The splicing of logs and marble is very clever, creating different spatial aesthetics through the fusion of different materials. About.Hot WallsHot Walls是由Mikhail Shaposhnikov创立至今,这家来自俄罗斯的设计公司,他们始终坚持设计至上主义。创始人是一名优秀的设计师。他们的设计注重将经久耐用的天然材料和良好的工艺结合利用,非常注重制作过程中的每一个小细节。 Hot Walls was founded by Mikhail Shaposhnikov, a design company from Russia, they have always insisted on design supremacy. The founder is an excellent designer. Their design focuses on the use of durable natural materials and good craftsmanship and pays great attention to every small detail in the production process. 其他佳作SKOLKOVOVander Park内容策划 /Presented✚ 策划 Producer :DesignJapan 撰文 Writer :Rita 排版 Editor:Fin 设计Desig n&版权©: Hot Walls ©原创内容,不支持任何形式的转载,翻版必究!


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